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Max Uri

Photo title: Max Uri
Photo taken in: Vienna, Austria (1936)
Interviewee: Max Uri
Time of Interview: 2003
Interviewer Tanja Eckstein

On 10th November [1938], three SS-men entered my uncle’s store and told him, ‘Give us the keys to the store!’ But Moses Zwick refused to give them the keys. And so they knocked out all his teeth, took the keys away, and he was never allowed to set foot in the store again. That was the end of the company ‘Uri & Zwick’. If we had sold everything beforehand, we would have gotten 60,000 German marks, and for 1000 British pounds we could have purchased a capitalist certificate in Palestine, and the whole family would have been saved. 

I was arrested and detained in the 9th district, in a riding school on Pramergasse, along with about a thousand other Jews, who had been taken from their apartments, some of them in their pajamas and underwear. At about 3am, they released those under 18 and over 60 and told them to go home. Outside, the mob had gathered and was waiting for us. A high police official agreed to protect us, but only until he had counted to 10. I started to run, which fortunately, as an athlete, I had no problem with. My mother, my sisters and my brother were hiding at her sister-in-law’s, Aunt Rosa Roth, that night.